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영생은 이것이니 곧 그들이 유일하신 참 하나님인 아버지와 아버지께서 보내신 자 예수 그리스도를 아는 것이니이다.
(요한복음 17장 3절)

  • Love lifted me조회수 : 16198
    • 작성자 : 관리자
    • 작성일 : 2012년 2월 15일 11시 30분 30초
  • 예수님의 사랑이 우리를 죄악과 사망의 깊은 수렁에서 건져냈습니다.
    Love lifted me
    I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore,
    Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more,
    But the Master of the sea heard my despairing cry,
    From the waters lifted me, now safe am I.
    Love lifted me!
    Love lifted me!
    When nothing else could help,
    Love lifted me!
    All my heart to Him I give, ever to Him I’ll cling,
    In His blessed presence live, ever His praises sing,
    Love so mighty and so true, merits my soul’s best songs,
    Faithful, loving service, too, to Him belongs.
    Souls in danger, look above, Jesus completely saves,
    He will lift you by His love, out of the angry waves.
    He’s the Master of the sea, billows His will obey,
    He your Savior wants to be, be saved today.
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